Sponsor Responsibilities

1. Help student members run their chapter of Mu Alpha Theta.

2. Accompany students to mathematical competitions or events and arrange for chaperones, transportation, permission forms, and other details.

3. Update the chapter's information online, by email, or by calling the national office with changes.

4. Add noreply@mualphatheta.org, sales@mualphatheta.org, and info@mualphatheta.org to their safe list since all newsletters, invoices, receipts, and updates are emailed from these addresses.

5. Provide a supervised meeting space for the club and act as liaison to the school's administration.

6. Inform math teachers at their school of the chapter and its mission, ask for names of qualified students for membership, check grades to ensure eligibility, and present these names to the admission committee of the club.

7. Submit new member names to the national office within one month of their initiation into the chapter.

8. Order merchandise and honor cords on behalf of student members.

9. Inform students of Mu Alpha Theta scholarships, grants, and awards and encourage them to apply.

10. Read Mu Alpha Theta's monthly newsletter and share its contents with student members.

11. Uphold Mu Alpha Theta's constitution and bylaws and those of their chapter at all times.