Mu Alpha Theta established this award in 1986 in honor of Harold Huneke, a former Secretary/Treasurer of National Mu Alpha Theta. Each year the Huneke Award honors a current or retired sponsor who has labored tirelessly and made significant contributions to Mu Alpha Theta. To be nominated, the individual must have served as a Mu Alpha Theta sponsor for at least five years, have attended at least two national conventions (or will attend a second convention this year), and cannot currently be a member of the Mu Alpha Theta Governing Council.

The award includes a $2,000 cash award to the winner.

In January 2012, the Governing Council voted to make this a peer-nominated award. Nominations should be made by a coworker, administrator, or other Mu Alpha Theta sponsor.

The Governing Council will choose the winner of the Huneke Award and the winner will be announced at the National Convention. The sponsor does not need to be present at the convention to win. Also, any sponsor whose name is nominated, but does not win the award, will have their application reconsidered for the following two years for the award.

Sponsors may be nominated for both the Sister Scholastica Award and Huneke Award in the same year, but no sponsor may win either award more than once.