Mu Alpha Theta awards a limited number of $4,000 convention grants for first-time attendee chapters to attend its in-person conventions. Each grant covers free registration for a minimum of three members and a sponsor. Members who attend must not have graduated before the convention. The remaining funds may be used for additional student registration costs or to reimburse travel expenses. To be eligible for a grant, a chapter cannot have previously attended a national convention. The intent of the grant is to allow the teacher and students to experience our National Convention for the first time. Only schools with a mathematics sponsor and three or more eligible students (who cannot be graduating seniors) should complete the application.
For 2023, Mu Alpha Theta will award a limited number of convention grants for first-time attendee chapters to attend its in-person National Convention. Members who attend must not have graduated before the convention. Each grant covers registration for a minimum of three members and a sponsor. The remaining funds may be used for additional student registration costs and/or other travel expenses. To be eligible for a grant, a chapter cannot have previously attended a national convention. The intent of the grant is to allow the teacher and students to experience our National Convention for the first time. Only schools with a mathematics sponsor attending and three or more eligible students attending (cannot be graduating seniors) should complete the application.
Submit this application and paragraphs by April 1, 2023, via email to using subject line ConvGrant App 1234 exactly replacing 1234 with your chapter number.