The first regional meeting of Mu Alpha Theta was held in 1958 on the campus of the University of Oklahoma and was organized by Josephine Andree. In 1961, the chapters in the state of Louisiana formed the first state organization of Mu Alpha Theta. Since that time, other states have added a state organization, including Florida, Mississippi, and Tennessee.

Florida State Affiliate of Mu Alpha Theta (FAMAT)

Louisiana State Affiliate of Mu Alpha Theta

Tennessee State Affiliate of Mu Alpha Theta

Mississippi State Affiliate of Mu Alpha Theta



The following list of suggestions has been prepared. Note in #8 that the national office offers some financial assistance for such meetings.

(1) The date of the meeting, the site, and the sponsoring chapter (or chapters) should be established a year in advance. It is recommended that there be a letter from an appropriate school official confirming that the facilities are available. (Some colleges and universities will provide facilities without charge for such meetings.)

(2) A preliminary announcement should be sent to all chapters in the state or region and to the national office. Current active chapters can be found by clicking on Find a Chapter. Schools without active chapters of Mu Alpha Theta may also be invited to attend.

This preliminary announcement should include:

The date and site of the meeting
An approximate time outline of events occurring during the meeting
Announcement concerning preparation of student papers, if applicable
Announcement concerning math competitions, if applicable
Information about housing, meals, and registration fees

(3) Please notify the national office once the site and date of the meeting have been determined. Reimbursement of some expenses are available upon submission of information to the national office. See (10) below.

(4) Advertise the meeting through state departments of education, through teacher groups such as those affiliated with the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Mu Alpha Theta's newsletters, and press releases to area newspapers.

(5) After the date and site have been determined, details of the program should be completed. There may be staff members in neighboring colleges and universities who will help with this. The program should feature talks by professional mathematicians and by students. Speakers may require honorariums and/or travel reimbursement. Mathematics competitions and social activities should also be planned. Math competitions have become an especially popular feature of such programs. The following program format is offered as a typical one for a meeting that begins on Friday evening and runs through Saturday.

Activities for Friday evening:

General session (this could include official greetings, a major mathematical talk, the introduction of state or regional officers, and introduction of candidates for office)
Topic tests
Social event (dance, mixer, etc.)

Activities for Saturday:

General session (mathematical talks)
Math Bowl (or other type of competition, such as a single examination)
Chalk Talks by students on mathematical topics of interest
Speaker sessions (at these sessions, student papers and talks by professional mathematicians, should be featured.)
Luncheon (perhaps with a luncheon speaker)
Business meeting, including election and installation of new officers, both adult and student
Presentation of any awards or trophies. At some time during the meeting, it should be arranged for sponsors (possibly together with one student from each chapter) to meet to discuss the present convention, the state and regional organization, and plans for future meetings.

(6) Copies of the final program should be mailed to all those who were sent preliminary announcements. Set a deadline for RSVPs.

(7) If possible, arrangements should be made for a display of mathematical models, puzzles, books, and any computer-related materials.

(8) The national office will provide financial support on the following basis: $50 total for the first three chapters in attendance, with an additional $10 for each additional chapter, up to a maximum of $150. Payment will be forwarded upon receipt of information, after the event. (See #10 below.)

This financial support is intended for expenses such as postage, printing, speakers’ travel, etc., and not for entertainment, refreshments, etc., which should be covered by registration fees.
In addition, the national office will reimburse travel expenses of up to $200 for a current member of the governing council to attend the meeting and make a presentation, when requested.

(9) Following the meeting, write thank you notes to administration officials of the host school, speakers, and others who helped with the meeting.

(10) Send a report to the national office in order to obtain the appropriate financial reimbursement. Include a copy of the program for the meeting, the names and addresses of schools in attendance, the number of students from each school attending (if available), and a summary of the event.