The national requirements for individual membership in a local chapter are as follows. These are the minimum requirements; chapters may elect to have stricter standards but not lower ones. Students are encouraged to participate in Mu Alpha Theta club meetings and activities, even if they do not qualify as members.

Membership, High School Chapter:

  • Members must be high school students in grades 9 through 12.
  • Members must be registered with Mu Alpha Theta at the school at which their permanent records reside.
  • Members must have completed the equivalent of two years of college preparatory mathematics, including algebra and/or geometry, and have completed or are enrolled in a third year of college preparatory mathematics.
  • On the 4-point grading scale, members must have at least a 3.0 math grade point average.

Membership, Two-year College Chapter:

  • Two-year college students who were members of Mu Alpha Theta in high school are eligible for membership at their college. Their high school membership transfers and the students do not need to pay the membership fee again.
  • If a student was not a member in high school, they must have taken at least one mathematics course at or above the College Algebra/Pre-calculus level in order to gain two-year college membership.
  • On the 4-point grading scale, members must have at least a 3.0 math grade point average in courses at or above the College Algebra/Pre-calculus level.


  • Associates must be high school students in grades 9 through 12
  • Associates must be at the school where their permanent record resides.
  • Associates must have completed one year of algebra, or its equivalent, with distinction and are currently enrolled in a higher math course.

Associates are not members of Mu Alpha Theta but are likely candidates for membership. Associates do not pay the initiation fee but are eligible to be listed with the National Office, should they wish to participate in Mu Alpha Theta national math contests. While they are not entitled to vote nor hold office in their chapter, they are entitled to attend and be heard at meetings. A student may remain an associate for only one year and then, if eligible, must be inducted as a member of Mu Alpha Theta.